I have received the Decision Letter from Canal and River trust.
I have not been successful in getting the "Reserve" lowered. The main bit of the decision by Richard Mercer, Head of Utilities is this:
The final point is the use of the Reserve Price at mooring auctions. I have found that the Reserve Price has increased over the last three years and currently stands at 90% of the target price. This percentage is applied nationally and not just at Spice Ball Park Mooring. The Trust uses its discretion as to the level of the Reserve Price and this is entirely appropriate as the Reserve should be set at a level which makes the auction economically viable. At Spice Ball Park Moorings there have been 23 auctions in the last three years. Ten of these auctions have resulted in the mooring being let at the reserve price, on three occasions the mooring price achieved has been above reserve and in 10 cases there were no bids. I think this is a reflection of the general economic situation and clearly auctions function best when there is a strong demand. A review of the auction system is to be undertaken and your complaint has crystallised the need for this review.
I have discussed your complaint with the National Moorings Manager, Jenny Whitehall. The concerns you have raised are real and legitimate. The Trust will take your points on board as part of the proposed review. Your input has been very useful.
So Canal and River trust now know that there is a national problem. I complained specifically about Spice Ball Park Moorings.
Where do we go from here?
Coventry Basin
14 hours ago