About Me

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The name describes my demeanour and voice! I love narrowboating and that is why this blog is mainly about the boat and our interaction with it. I have been keeping a log for Sonflower ever since we bought her and moved onto her as our main residence. Some incidents in our boating life have been hilarious, some scary and some down right dangerous. I cannot tell what will come in the future but you can now share them! The crew are an 'ordinary' couple. The Best Mate and I.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Getting Ready

I visited the boat today.

I have a visit to Tooley's Dry Dock booked for 6th to 9th March.

SONFLOWER is thirty years old so has to have an "out of the water" hull survey every five years for the Insurance Company. She will also be blacked.

As she has lain idle for so long I wanted to make sure she will start! Batteries are at 12.4v. A little low but acceptable.

The cruising season will so soon be upon us and it was so good to be along the towpath chatting to boaters who are already on the move. Some said they have not stopped this winter because ot has been so warm. Another confessed that he had had four weeks in Greece! He had overstayed on teh 14 day moorings! Good luck to him.

Monday, 3 February 2014

CO monitor, batteries and breeching?

I went ot SONFLOWER on her mooring today. I was greeted with a beep beep sound. The CO detector had flat batteries. the first job of the day was change them. That way they would not get so flat while we were off the boat that teh beep beep beep stopped and we would be in danger of not knwowing especially withthe state of my meory at the moment.

I started the engine and charged the batteries. The engine was a little reluctant and I might invest in a can of "easistart" for when the weather is really cold.

I chatted to a couple of other moorers: there is little news except that it is reproted that below Banbury lock the three mile pound has little water in it! Considering the amount of water that was flowing through the lock paddles over the weekend this is very surprising. We are wondering whether there has been a breech or culvert collapse.

I also spoke to Sue, nb "No Problem",  who is waiting for work at Tooley's Boatyard before heading for Gloucester or some other beauty spot. She was disturbed by the news above as she certainly needs to turn round to head north. She is therefore toying with backing to Tooleys. We know that is very possible.

Smoke Detector; A thank you

The smoke detector operated on Saturday lunch time and I reported to my guests "it is real!" I  had turned the chicken and meat sauces up high instead of turning it down!

The place is filled with smoke again today! French bread toast for croutons in the squash and sweetcorn soup were a little "over cooked"!

The reason for all this is because the BEST MATE is not very well and so the cooking is all down to me. I think that I am a little distracted at times and not quite concentrating on the task in hand. It is at these times that I realise how much I depend on her. When one of us is not functioning properly it is very evident in the results.

Thank goodness I have a smoke detector to tell me when things are cooked.