About Me

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The name describes my demeanour and voice! I love narrowboating and that is why this blog is mainly about the boat and our interaction with it. I have been keeping a log for Sonflower ever since we bought her and moved onto her as our main residence. Some incidents in our boating life have been hilarious, some scary and some down right dangerous. I cannot tell what will come in the future but you can now share them! The crew are an 'ordinary' couple. The Best Mate and I.

Tuesday 18 June 2024


We were almost at the back of the pack with only Stella by Starlight with their crew of four and two dogs behind us  BCNS provided help. Peter Fisher cycled from Bradley to be there and got the combination for the bottom paddle padlock which limited it to opening only '3 clicks'. We could do nothing about the top paddle restriction.

We had trouble at Rushall lock 3 where one top paddle was defective and the other very slow, probably choked.

We got through the locks by 12.30 and gently cruised to Ocker Hill Junction for a pump out and lunch stop. Stella passed us. 

We passed them again near Walsall as they cleared their prop. 

We arrived and moored next to the Brewers Fayre. A barrista came out and asked whether her children could loook inside. It amazes  me that folk are so fascinated by our living space.
We could not find a good restaurant in the town centre. I have had enough 'pub grub' and yearned for a curry. No curry house in town so we took a taxi to Ghurka 1816 in Wednesford and were richly rewarded with a wonderful banquet. 

A taxi back and off to bed. 

A restless night with music til late. C'est la vie.

11.1/2 miles 9 locks  8 hours.

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