Also finished is the preperation of the hatches and covers. They have been shot blasted and primed and look very nice.
Unfortunately there have been some set backs. Matt, the boss, has broken his ankle, descending some steps in the yard. He is confined to looking at a computer screen at home and won't get the full plaster on for a week or so because of the swelling and bruising around the break. So, there is no-one 'cracking the whip'. I hope he gets better soon and wish him well.
Martin, the painter, got hit in the eye by a splinter of steel from the roof yesterday and needs to rest it and keep it covered for a few days. I wish him well too. The word is that he was wearing glasses but not goggles at the time.
The boat builder/fitter is busy fitting the rails around the back deck. He has also given his opinion on the cost of a new weed hatch. I look forward to the typed up copy. It is a "must do" job so there is little option but to have it done now while SONFLOWER is out of the water.
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