About Me

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The name describes my demeanour and voice! I love narrowboating and that is why this blog is mainly about the boat and our interaction with it. I have been keeping a log for Sonflower ever since we bought her and moved onto her as our main residence. Some incidents in our boating life have been hilarious, some scary and some down right dangerous. I cannot tell what will come in the future but you can now share them! The crew are an 'ordinary' couple. The Best Mate and I.

Monday, 9 March 2009

Big Day Tomorrow

It is out of the water SURVEY day tomorrow. This is the day we find out whether the boat is in good enough shape for the insurance company to take on the risk of her not floating 'til the next inspection is due in four years time.

It is also the day I have the priviledge of handing over a bunch of readies to the Marine Surveyor in return for the report to submit to the Insurance Company.

Of course, he could find some problem that would indicate that the boat won't continue to float for the foreseeable future.

Then I'll have to hand over even more readies to the boatyard to fix it!

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